Saturday, 28 November 2020

Friday, November 27, 2020


Friday was Jersey day and pizza day!  Pat's class cooked up and served some yummy cheese and pepperoni pizzas!  Thank you to them:)  Here are some of the jerseys worn in our class:

The Scholastic Book Sale will begin next week.  Details about how this will work this year - due to COVID protocols - will come.  There look to be some wonderful books; thanks to Anastatia for setting it all up.

The class presented information about recycling to the other classes.  Recycling is now in full swing, complete with composting.  Students were reminded to clean out their plastics (yogurt, milk and pudding containers) before putting them into the blue bin, and what can and cannot go into the compost.  I didn't get to witness all of the presentations, but here are a couple of photos. 

In math, students did the last subtraction drill for this series, and calculated the mean, median, mode and range for their data which they have been graphing on a line graph. We will continue to practice this during future drills.  

In Social Studies, we finished our mini-package labelling parts of Canada: Great Lakes, Ontario, and the prairie provinces.  A crossword to challenge their knowledge was also part of the package; some students tackled it. 

Have a wonderful, not-too-soggy weekend!