Monday, 30 November 2020

Monday, November 30, 2020

 Greetings, everyone. This is the last day of November!  

We had a very busy and productive day today.  Check out the idiom of the week:

In preparation of Christmas, we ran through a read-aloud 'poem' called COVID Christmas.  We will be recording this for you eventually:) 

We re-read the Henry Hudson article from last week -  highlighting important parts - and answered some of  the questions together.  Students are learning how to incorporate part of the question in the answer.  Ask your child what they know about Henry Hudson!  (See the ReadWorks post to access this from home.)

In math, we started new drills today: Fifty mixed addition and subtraction facts in 2 minutes.  Some students may be decreasing their time to 90 seconds tomorrow, as they almost did all of the questions! Students also set up a new line graph on which to record their daily scores.  
Following that, we completed the notes about Place Value and Value in our Interactive Notebooks.  Lastly, the kids were given some practice mixed 2-digit and 3-digit addition and subtraction problems to work on.  They continue to feel more confident, especially when borrowing (a.k.a. regrouping) is involved. 

We had a beautiful rainbow - yet again - so the kids ran out to be under it!

In Social Studies, we continued our study of Canada.  We completed a Knowing Canada worksheet; most students are still requiring a lot of support with this.  It would be helpful if you could ask them questions at home. Students also completed a Me on the Map flip booklet. They may need to check on their address.

A reminder that the Scholastic Book Fair is happening!  Make an appointment to come in and buy some books. 

Finally, after recycling and compost collection, we read a  booklet entitled: Silent E Gets Fired.  It's a fun way to remember this spelling rule.