Thursday, 3 December 2020

Thursday, December 3, 2020

 Greetings, one and all!

What a busy day we had today! We started the morning finishing and submitting the Canada Crossword assignment.  Then, we learned about Pangaea and Wegener's theory of Plate Tectonics.  Ask your child what they remember about it!

Next, students worked on ReadWell doing various reading and skill work. 

For math, students completed a quick 2-digit and 3-digit mixed addition and subtraction quiz so that I can check on their understanding. 

Following that, I continued reading Island of the Blue Dolphins, which everyone is enjoying. 

After lunch, the students completed a Knowing and Mapping Canada unit Quiz.  We will be moving on now, but I have to say I am impressed with how much they have learned these past weeks.  

During Art, we continued painting our Grinch pictures; tomorrow we will finish by outlining them. Some students also worked to complete unfinished art projects.  

One of our students has his photo in the Seventh Generation Junior Club NEWSLETTER (Fall 2020 issue).  Copies went home with students today. 

That's it for today.  Have a good evening.