Happy Fantastic Friday!
We had a good chuckle this morning with this video: To Share or Not to Share
We had another very productive day. We reviewed similes and metaphors and the difference between them. Students created their own winter-themed similes and metaphors to write on their snow globes. They also wrote the definition of each type, and added illustrations. Here are a couple samples.
We reviewed the multiplication rhymes we learned yesterday before doing the Drills That Thrill today. Students are starting to remember some of those we've worked with: 4 x 8 = 32, and our favourite: I ate and I ate and got sick on the floor. 8 x 8 = 64
We also worked together on another Telling Time worksheet, referring to our clocks. Much practice is still needed to explore time on both an analogue clock and a digital clock, how to say them both ways, and what they mean. Below is the worksheet we did together.
After lunch, students coloured different sections on a brain, each representing sensory centres.
Last thing in the day involved a very brief look at the primary and secondary colours on a colour wheel. We drew an umbrella on which we will be creating our own colour wheels next week. You'll have to wait for photos of our finished projects next week!
Have a good weekend!