Monday, 11 January 2021

Monday, January 11, 2021


We had three students in attendance today, so had some flexibility with our schedule.  We looked at some art creations, a Rembrandt 'comes to life' flash mob, and a presentation of Handel's Messiah : Hallelujah chorus in a cathedral in Barcelona, Spain.  Wow!  So much talent out there. 

This week's idiom is "all ears"!  

Students wrote in their journals and did a reading inventory for me on ReadWorks.  

At 10:45, we had a Zoom meeting for Math but nobody attended.  In class, we did our multiplication drills and continued working on Rounding whole numbers.  Tomorrow we will begin the Telling Time package from last week. 

After lunch, another Zoom connection was scheduled @ 12:20 when I continued reading Island of the Blue Dolphins.  We are nearing the end of this wonderful non-fiction (true) story.  

The weather was lovely so we decided to walk to the beach where we collected sand, pebbles, rocks, and shells for study purposes in the classroom.

Anastasia delivered most learning packages for this week but some people were not at home.  If there is a way that you can get your package, please contact either Anastasia or me at school.  If not, please make sure that the work your child does have gets completed.  It must be brought to school with them next week as the math Drills That Thrill and Writing Journals are in their package.

Look at Friday's post for the week's schedule and overview.  

Enjoy your evening.

Ms Sue