We had a very busy day indeed. *Please note that there will be a Literary Devices quiz tomorrow.
First thing this morning, we wrote poems using words that sound the same but may be spelled differently. Then, one had to think of something that was similar or connected in some way to the rhyming word, and use the "I'd rather... than... " format.
For example: sound = ē (long e sound) Words: tea, tree, see, sea, me, flee, flea, knee, wee, bee...
I'd rather be a carrot than a pea. I'd rather be a shrub than a tree. I'd rather be you than me. I'd rather be an ocean than the sea.
This took us all pre-snack time, as kids chose a sound to use, then brainstorm rhyming words. Next, was putting them into the format noted above. We will have to continue this for a bit tomorrow.
After snack and recess break, the Time practice quizzes were returned. Students will write the real quiz on Friday, so they have something to practice with and focus on. It will be very similar.
Then, students were introduced to multiplication of 2-digit numbers using the area model. We watched a wonderful video by NumberRock a couple of times, then worked through the first part of a package together. This we will also continue tomorrow. Check out the video, though!
After lunch and a brief reading of My Side of the Mountain, we went to the airport to see the wonder panels that have been installed, the totem and canoe carving, and to check out the new building. It really is lovely and very special for Port Hardy travellers.
Upon our return, Lyam led the kids with a couple of dances; not everyone participated. There are several photos below.
Remember to click on each picture to enlarge it!