Monday 12 September 2016

Monday 12th, September, 2016

Happy First Monday of the school year!

Monday is a lovely way for us to start our week.  Check this out:

We began with Library with Mrs. Tomm. The students shared book titles that they had read over the summer, watched a couple of book trailers, and received a refresher for the way the library is set up.  The latter is especially important for our 'new to our school' trio.

After recess (yes, that's how long we had in library), students filled in their agendas and had time to read silently before music.

Mr. Redding took the kids for 60 minutes of music today for my prep time.  We are so lucky to have Mr. Redding in our building working with the students. They will be learning how to play the ukulele and many aspects of music throughout the year.

After lunch, the kids buckled down to start the Vancouver Island math diagnostic.  This tool helps me identify areas of math where I need to focus my teaching.  It also helps me identify who might need some extra help with math, as well as show me some strategies that they are using to calculate answers.  We will finish this diagnostic tomorrow during math class.

After math, we tidied the room and headed outside for P.E., at the end of the day. I hope that you get to enjoy your evening and catch some of this wonderful weather.

Special Event - A notice and permission form went home today for the running club! (It's pink.)

The following photos are of our many hands beating our drum.  "We are one" is the theme.  The poster also suggest that we "go into the future with a drum in one hand and a computer in the other".
Although it is meant for Aboriginal students, it applies to all of us, to be centred with the drum (the heartbeat) and our culture/ our past, as well as keep up with technology and new teachings. This may mean something different to you; please discuss it with your child.