Wednesday 19 October 2016

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Hello!  Our day required some flexibility as we rearranged our schedule a couple times throughout the day.  Here's how it ended up:

We started in the computer lab finishing up stories, then doing Master Key (typing) and Mathletics.
At 9:20 we returned to the room to complete Agendas and to slice up pears for the dehydrator.

After recess and P.E., (where we practiced lay-ups), we marked the Fact and Opinion 1 & 2 from last week.  Students were assigned 3 & 4 for next class.

After lunch, we continued with Social Thinking and 'Coping with Boring Moments' and the expected behaviours versus unexpected behaviours that go with this.  Students created drawings or mini comic strips to demonstrate their understanding of related expectations.

We took some time out from the above activity to read with the K/1 class while some students helped Ms. Butler clean up the vegetable gardens.  They (the gardens) can rest now until the spring:)

The math 'quizette' from yesterday was returned; remember to get them initialed for bonus marks!

We ended our day playing Debout les 7, once the students had handed in their Lotto sheets.  We will play Lotto when we have more time.


REMINDER: PHOTOS TOMORROW!  Get lots of sleep, bathe, look well-rested, clean, perky, "glowing":)