Wednesday 26 October 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Sorry for the late post, folks.  Here's our day:

Yes, we started our day with art, working on the second two Halloween Inchies!  This took us until recess. When you see the photo below, you will agree they they are truly bootiful!

After recess, we were off to the gym for some tag games. Then back to our room to read an article entitled "Hallowe'en Leftovers".  Students were assigned partners to read with, then work together to answer the questions.  Each student, however, is responsible for handing in their own completed answer sheet.  The story is rich in descriptive words, and uses dialogue well.  We will also be discussing, as a class, the 'social thinking' aspects of this short story. Ask your child what it was about.  (I have the reading packages with me.)

After lunch, students completed their Agendas and read silently for about ten minutes.  We are working on reading during this time, and doing so silently!

In Math, we continued with a drill (adding to nine), place value versus value of a digit within a number practice, and listening to a description of digits within a number.

Finally, before the end of the day, students started to write sentences about their Hallowe'en Inchies. We will continue these tomorrow.

That's it!  Enjoy the rest of your evening.