Tuesday 8 November 2016

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hi Folks!  Sorry about the late post... I got into an art project:)  We are making more "Inchies" for Remembrance Day, and boy are they looking good!  The photos below are the needle-felted poppies the kids did today.  They are together in this week's seating groups. Ask your child which is his/hers.

First thing today we marked pp 36-7 in math in preparation of the quiz tomorrow.  Then students had some time to finish their Place Value Monsters and p. 38, an addition worksheet.

After math, the students wrote a "Quiz" (meaning that they did it independently) about our trip to the Kingfisher Interpretive Centre.  They were able to refer to their group posters and any other 'tools' in the classroom to help them.  I wanted to see what they remembered about the fieldtrip, and what they know about First Nations peoples in general.

After recess, we did an activity about the poem In Flanders Field.  The students worked in table groups to arrange the lines of the poem; these had previously been cut up on strips of paper.  After ten minutes or so, we watched a video about the poem (twice) after which the kids made any changes to their arrangement.  These were then pasted onto a paper for final copies.  The kids worked really well together and did a great job.

Then we had lots of time to do some needle-felting!
After lunch, we went to gym where we played two mini-games of basketball.  I am seeing a lot of improvement in their playing ability!

We came back to class where, after Agendas were completed, we did some more Inchies.  You'll have to wait to see these after they are mounted tomorrow:)

Enjoy your evening.  If you are watching the American voting tonight, stay calm:)