Wednesday 9 November 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What a busy day!  The students worked very hard today and accomplished a lot!

First thing we did was to paint our final Inchie for our Remembrance Day art project. They did a fabulous job as you will see in the photos below.

While they waited for the paint to dry, students completed three Fact and Opinion worksheets:)

The kids are really showing improvement in their basketball skills.  They practiced layups today before playing some mini games again.

We hustled back to the class after P.E. in order to write the math quiz (representing numbers).

By writing our math quiz before lunch, we were able to head to the computer lab for 40 minutes!  Students spent some time on Master Key (typing) and some on Mathletics.

Then we headed back to class for Agendas, and mounting the Inchies onto their backgrounds. Finally, made little booklet for French.  The students are creating books using school items / Halloween vocabulary to answer: Qu'est-ce que tu as?  J'ai ....      We will continue these booklets tomorrow; they will be due next Wednesday when we will also be presenting them orally.

Enjoy the rest of your evening.