Thursday 10 November 2016

Thursday, November 10th, 2016

Another very busy and productive day!  We started with a very nice Remembrance Day Assembly, with cadets Riley, Lane, and Morgan in attendance.  In Flanders Field was read, a lovely video was shown, and Mr. Redding played Taps. While the students were each given a poppy, if you think to send some change as a donation to the Legion, it would be appreciated; all funds go to veterans.  

After the assembly, I read What Is Peace? written and beautifully illustrated by Wallace Edwards.  Students made an entry in their Reflective Journal after the reading, reflecting on what peace is to them.

Following that, we set up our aquarium in preparation for the salmon eggs' arrival in a couple of weeks.  We briefly talked about the metric system, then groups of students carefully rinsed the gravel, put the various filter and aerator pieces together, and measured how much water went into the aquarium.  Now we wait:)

Because there was only so much students could do at a time, there was ample opportunity for students to work on their French booklets or get caught up on outstanding assignments / activities.

After lunch Tina Lindegaard came in for our ArtStarts session: adding salmon, rocks, and weeds to the habitat backgrounds.  This involved dry needle-felting; the kids are doing an amazing job with this!

Here are a few photos below.  Next week we will be splitting cedar shakes and mounting the finished pieces.

There is no school tomorrow as it is Remembrance Day.  Cooper from our class is laying the wreath at the cenotaph on behalf of CPE again this year.   Remember to take some time to think about how lucky we are to live in relative peace, and to appreciate the freedoms that we often take for granted.