Thursday 8 December 2016

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Hello, folks.  Here's our day:

This morning summarizing exercise was about author Gary Paulson; we learned all kinds of things about his life.  Two vocabulary words that came out of our discussion were: resilient / resiliency and succinct.

Students then worked on their simile packages some more before heading to the gym for the Craft Fair.  The parents did a wonderful job, as always, and the kids really appreciated the opportunity to buy lovely things for their families and friends.  A big thank you to the parents for everything!

After recess, we started dissecting the sparrow hawk in an attempt to apply taxidermy skills.  I have a whole new appreciation for this art form as I am afraid I didn't do too well.  We filled the bird with Borax and cotton stuffing and glued it back together with Crazy Glue but it wouldn't win any prizes.

After lunch, we looked at its internal organs and a couple of videos.  I have included some photos below.

Next, we practiced the song and dance a few times, then did some math.  Students worked on two pages of converting decimal numbers to standard form, expanded form, and five "in words".  These are to be done for tomorrow; most students finished in class.

That's it!
REMINDER: Tomorrow the PAC is serving a free hot pasta lunch!  Wow!  Lucky kids:)  Thanks, PAC!!