Wednesday 7 December 2016

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Good day, everyone.  It was another busy one.

We started our morning doing another summarizing practice sheet (#21), then sharing our paragraphs.  Next, we marked / reviewed the similes pages from yesterday and finished the package.  Some students came up with a winter-themed simile for their snow globe and got started on that.

After recess, we practiced the Log Driver's Waltz in the classroom, then did a quick run-through on the stage in the gym.  Then back to the classroom for a few more run-throughs.

Before lunch, we managed to squeeze in a bit of math: reading decimal numbers aloud in preparation of writing them in words.   Example: 16.48 is "sixteen and forty-eight hundredths".

After lunch the students filled in their Agendas and then we discussed raising / donating money to give to people less fortunate than ourselves. I didn't send the letter home because I found an error on it and wanted to expand the possible recipients of our donations.  (See letter below.)

December 7, 2016

Dear Parents / Guardians,

It’s that time of the year again when students often like to give their teacher a gift at Christmas.  As discussed with the students in class, instead of getting something for me and me for them, they could donate a few dollars to Plan Canada, Gifts That Matter, or Doctors Without Borders. (We will decide later.)  Participation is completely optional; amounts donated by individuals will not be announced!

Then, depending upon how much money we collect, the class will choose gifts to send to those less fortunate.  In the past, my classes have bought goats, chickens, mosquito nets, stoves, and birth certificates, just to mention some of the gifts we were able to afford.

This idea reinforces the idea of giving rather than receiving, and is in keeping with the Spirit of Christmas. 

Thank you for considering this suggestion.

Respectfully yours,

Ms. Sue Leach

After that some French vocabulary was introduced and the kids started working on a Noël package.  We didn't spend much time on this and didn't go over the proper pronunciation yet. 

To end our day we practiced observing, drawing, and colouring the sparrow hawk that was found yesterday.  I have included some close up photos below taken of the whiteboard. 

REMINDERS: The Christmas Craft Fair is taking place tomorrow morning so, if you wish, send a few dollars with your child.  The felted soap that the kids made will also be sale as our class's donation!  Yay for being generous:)