Friday 6 January 2017

Friday, January 6, 2017 / C'est vendredi le 6, janvier 2017.

Happy Friday!

We started with Assembly this morning, then back to class for some French.  Students worked on some activity sheets to practice recognizing and spelling les jours de la semaine, then we played the Flyswatter Game!  Just ask them:)

After recess, students had some free time shooting baskets, the some organized a mini half-court game while others played "Everybody's It" tag.

When we returned to the class, Cooper told everyone about his experience last night: his cat gave birth to six kittens (during the Canada - USA hockey finals!!).  Lucky for me I was called and also got to experience this wonderful event.  I have included a few pictures of the kittens, the mom (Patches) and the dad (Rusty).

After that, we continued with learning about the metric system in math.  We watched another video ( ), wrote down the practice questions, then started working on the booklet I gave them yesterday.  This is not due Monday; we will continue working on it after mini-lessons for some of the pages, as necessary.  Here are our notes from yesterday, with a few additions today.  (Note: deca = da) and 1/10, 1/100, 1/000 are now written as decimals.


Today was the beginning of session two of Exploration Friday!  I have decided to create separate entries for these sessions so check them out.

REMINDER: Immigration Project presentations begin Monday!  I am really looking forward to seeing what the kids have learned and how they have decided to present their findings.