Monday 30 January 2017

Monday, January 30, 2017 / C'est lundi le 30, janvier 2017

Good evening.  I just realized that I hadn't posted yet.  Sorry.

Our morning was very productive: we started with science, learning how to tell a fish's age by its scales. Students worked on their ABC salmon booklets, making an entry in S for scale,  and other entries as well. Some students completed their math rewrite, while all others did one page of word problems.  The rest of the time before recess was spent quietly working on science.

*These ABC books are due in two weeks so students need to be diligent about working on them when their other work is finished. 

After recess, we learned about Alliteration (consonance and assonance) and worked on three pages of Alliteration.  Tomorrow we will mark / review these, do some practice of all the literary devices we have learned about in preparation of the quiz Wednesday.  It will be a multiple choice quiz where students identify the literary device being used in a series of sentences.  

Then it was off to music with Mr. Redding, where they made music with boom whackers. 

After lunch, we went to the computer lab to continue researching Canadian artists.  We did this until almost 2:00 when it was time to clean up the classroom and go to P.E., where the students played badminton.  

Alliteration pages (3) due tomorrow.  Literary Devices Quiz Wednesday!