Tuesday 31 January 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 / C'est mardi le 31, janvier 2017.

This is the last day of January!  Today's entry is a short one:

We marked the Alliteration package first thing.  Then wrote notes in our Language Arts Interactive Notebook about the various Literary Devices we have been studying, in preparation for the QUIZ TOMORROW!
This took longer than I thought so the entire day involved moving our schedule around:) After recess, we worked on the ABC salmon books for a while.  I suggested for X "X marks the spot" in reference to salmon streams, and explained chromosomes (xx  xy) to the kids.  Did you know that a salmon has 52 chromosomes; I am thinking that's 26 pairs because we have 23 pairs.

I introduced The Salmon Life Cycle Song to the students today.... sung to "I Will Survive!" by Gloria Gayner (1978) I believe.  This is going to be fun!

The Metric system rewrite was returned to those who wrote it; word problems will be returned tomorrow to the rest of the students.

After lunch we went to gym and played badminton.  Some confusion resulted from line boundaries, scoring, and service rotation so we watched a video back in the class which reviewed the rules.

Next, it was time for Agendas and book exchange, and preparing for home:)