Wednesday 11 January 2017

Wednesday, January 11, 2017 / C'est mercredi le 11, janvier 2017.

Sorry for the late again, Folks.  We had a staff meeting after school and then... time flies when you're having fun!

Our morning started with five Immigration Project presentations.  Once again, they were all fabulous!  I am truly amazed at how well the students are doing with these:)



Students were introduced to 'personification' today, and were given a practice sheet to complete for tomorrow.  They were also reminded to complete and have ready for marking / review all of their hyperbole worksheets from last week.  Also, two more snow globes are to be completed by Friday: hyperbole and personification. Thanks for your encouragement and to make sure that they are done.

After recess, we played badminton (with the nets up) for quite some time, practicing serving and short controlled volleys.

Then we were back to the class for Social Thinking lessons about defeating Rock Brain.  Because this took longer than we had (We extended our time in the gym.), we continued with this lesson after lunch as well, until 1:30.  *I will be taking these books in some time soon to ensure that everyone is keeping up, and is demonstrating an effort to do their best.  We had a talk about this today, so please encourage neatness and taking pride in one's work, even if just gluing things into a cahier.

Next, we marked our metric measurement booklets.  Students also were given time to complete the last two pages; these are due tomorrow.

Lastly, we reviewed les jours de la semaine, sang them to the tune of the Flintstones, and introduced #s 1-20.  Students worked on a cross-word type activity; this is to be handed in tomorrow, mainly for accountability:)

Enjoy your evening.