Tuesday 10 January 2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017 / C'est mardi le 10, janvier 2017

Wow!  Another very busy day, and so productive!

We started with five 'Immigration Project' presentations this morning, each of them unique and very well done.  I am so impressed with these guys:)  I have a couple of photos but also videoed them to send to parents via FreshGrade.  (Be patient with me.)  I may have to take some photos tomorrow but will add them to today's post, so check back.

Then, in math, we marked the first three pages of our metric booklet; the next two were assigned after a brief overview.  Converting metric units is basically multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10; the students are gradually feeling more comfortable with this.

After recess, Tina came in for the ArtStarts program.  First, she unpacked the clay fish, which look quite wonderful.  (photos of display)  Tina and I were hoping for a different outcome / look for these salmon but had difficulties with glazes and firing.  Although I think they look great, we have decided to make new ones using different glazes so these lucky students will get two fish!  One can't be too disappointed about that.

The main focus of art today was getting started on the needle felted wool quilt squares.  Yesterday, students researched an image of their chosen flora / fauna.  Today they drew these onto square pieces of paper in preparation for applying these to their wool squares.  And boy, did these young people do well!  They are in different stages of completion but are doing amazingly well.  Tina and I were tickled pink with the results thus far.  I'll post photos after next art session.

*The salmon habitat artwork is now complete and hanging in our hallway.  Here's a sneak peak:

After lunch, we played badminton during P.E.  Today our focus was practicing serving (control and distance) as this is somewhat vital to a game:)

We ended our day doing Agendas, reading, colouring some pictures that Jackie had brought in for everyone, and getting math done so that there wouldn't be any homework.  We also had BOOK EXCHANGE with Mrs. Astra, and of course, clean up.  I continue to be impressed with the way the students are taking increasing responsibility regarding cleaning up the classroom at the end of the day.  It is noted and very much appreciated by the custodians.