Monday 6 February 2017

Monday, February 6, 2017 / C'est lundi le 6, février 2017

Marvellous Muffin Monday: Many thanks to the mom who provide muffins this marvellous Monday morning.  (Ask your child what type of Literary Device that is!)

We shifted our day around a bit to accommodate a special guest to our school.  Jesse McMann is a First Nations hoop dancer.  She performed at an assembly after lunch, and presented workshops all day with various classes.  Our class participated during our PE block at the end of the day. It was a wonderful experience for the kids who tried creating animals with their hoops.



That's how we ended our day; here's how we started it.  We began in the computer lab continuing with researching about famous Canadian artists.  Most students are finished this portion of the project.  Students will be writing up summaries about their chosen artists, creating posters, and selecting a piece to 'replicate'.

At 9:30 we returned to the class and worked on the "I'd rather be ..." poems.  These are to be completed for sharing tomorrow.  (12 lines minimum) They also filled in Agendas for me to sign.

After recess, we watched a couple of Math Antics videos about multiplication, and worked through the first page of a package.  We will continue tomorrow; this is not homework.

Mr. Redding then took the kids to Music, where they made music with boom whackers.

After lunch was the assembly, ABC salmon books, and hoop dancing workshop.

Reminder: Tomorrow we will learning about puberty.  If you do not wish for your child to participate in this lesson, please complete and return the bottom portion of the notice sent home Friday.