Saturday 4 February 2017

Friday, February 3, 2017 / C'est vendredi le 3, février 2017

Well, it's Saturday, but here's yesterday's post.

We started with Assembly in the morning, recognizing four students from our class.  Congratulations!

Upon our return to the classroom, students read, by themselves or with a partner, The Westcoast Reader.  (photos below)  After reading the paper, they completed an activity package.  Most students completed this activity during the allotted time.



After recess, we played badminton during P.E., then finished a variety of unfinished assignments.  Several more students completed their felted quilt square... the finished quilt is going to look fabulous!

We also filled in Agendas, cleaned out the Working Binder, our desks and cubbies, all in preparation for Exploration Friday afternoon.

I have included some photos of Exploration Art activities, mostly adding texture via rubbings onto a simple drawing.  The students are experiencing a variety of methods / skills / media before choosing an independent project for the next few weeks.


A letter went home regarding our upcoming puberty lesson on Tuesday 7th (see below).  If you do not wish for your child to participate, please fill in the bottom portion of the letter and return it to school.

I hope that you get over to the Carousel of Nations this afternoon!

February 3rd, 2017

Dear Parent/Guardian:

Next week, on Tuesday 7th, we will begin a unit on Health and Career Education about puberty.  The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the topics that will be covered.

It is our belief that you as parents/guardians play the most significant role in the formation of your children’s values and behaviours related to human growth and development.  This unit offers you the chance to discuss the classroom lessons and to consider them in view of your own family and religious beliefs.

This unit covers the following learning outcomes (areas):

¨   Accurately describe the physical changes that occur during puberty as a stage in the human life cycle and a transition from childhood to adolescence.

¨ With teacher support describe the predictable physical changes that occur at puberty and early adolescence in girls and boys.

¨ Demonstrate an awareness that the physical changes of puberty happen at different rates and times for different people.

Should you have any concerns or if you would like further information about this unit I can be reached at the school at 837-4744.


Ms. Sue Leach
Grade 5 Teacher
I have read the letter that introduces the health unit about the changes that occur during puberty and agree to have my child participate in this unit.

________No, I do not wish for my child to participate; I would prefer to cover this topic with my child at home.

Name of student: _____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:  _____________________________________

Date:  _______________________________________________________