Thursday 2 February 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017 / C'est le 3 février 2017

Thrilling Thursday... here's how ours went:

We started our morning with Social Studies: learning more about Canadian citizenship and immigration policies.  Students read through some information and answered questions, with discussion and explanations from me.  We talked about the Constitution and the rights and freedoms that Canadians have, amongst other things.

This took us up until recess, if you can believe it!
After recess, we marked / reviewed the Arrays worksheets from yesterday, and reviewed fact families.  We also revisited the relationship between multiplication and division, and how each are represented with arrays.

Mr. Pfeiffer took them to P.E., during my prep time.

After lunch, we did Agendas and started a project for the upcoming ART CARDS.  I have to say that it didn't work out the way I expected so will come up with another option.

We ended our day with a writing activity: I'd rather be....   (ask your child!).


Canadian Guitar Quartet concert this evening.

Carousel of Nations - this Saturday at the Community Centre!!