Hi folks. Sorry for the late post. Here's our day:
It was very productive. We started with the Unit 2 Greek & Latin Roots Quiz, agendas, and silent reading.
After recess, we played mini games of basketball, then returned to the class to finish working on the personal Coat of Arms. Several are now done; they are due Monday for presentation.
After lunch we watched Rob on Math Antics explain about Number Places and our Base Ten Number System. Students finished a package to reinforce their understanding; it was review for many.
On this blog, if you click on Math Antics on the side bar, you will find the list of videos. I have access to worksheets and step-by-step videos and practice sheets as well, but the main videos are what we watch first in class, depending on our focus.
The last bit of our day was being introduced to Halloween vocabulary in French, identifying masculine and feminine nouns, and practicing pronunciation. We will complete a picture assignment using the vocabulary and numbers tomorrow.
REMINDER: Please remember that the Immigration Project Assignments are due in a couple of weeks. If your child needs to use a computer at school, he/she can stay in during recess, during lunch, and after school as long as I am here. Thanks for your support.