Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Tuesday and Wednesday, January 14 & 15, 2020

Hi folks.  I am late posting again due to meetings, so I decided to meld both days.

There are just a few assignment descriptions to include, and a couple of photos.
Here are both Agendas for a quick look:


We are continuing with some "Christmas Around the World" articles, focusing on location in the world and some interesting traditions of the country being addressed.  On Tuesday we looked at India.
[Right] Due to the cold temperatures, students have been staying in during recess.  This gave Oli and another student to construct this tarantula out of magnetic balls and posts!

In math, we practiced rounding to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand again, because of the importance of this concept in relation to estimating.  Students also worked with partners to solve some word problems.

In Social Studies / Science, we considered Agents of Change (weathering, erosion, deposition), and the difference between biomes and ecosystems.  We drew some key lines of latitude on our world biome maps to help us see the significance of latitude. Today we also learned about the difference between climate and weathering. These aspects are important to keep in mind as we begin our biomes research.  [photos below]

On Wednesday, students presented their Landforms Book Creator projects before beginning their biome research.  Students made 'flip booklets' for organizing and recording information.

*Nordic skiing is still scheduled to go ahead Friday - dressing warmly in layers will be key for comfort and safety.
*Pink Shirt Day T-shirt order forms went home today with the youngest member of each family.