Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Good afternoon!  Here's a glimpse at our very different day:

Today, the Grade 3 students went skiing for the day; Mrs. U. took them.  Her Grade 2's and my Grade 4's (and one Gr.3!) had a wonderful day together. 

We started with reading "buddies" - which the students loved.  Next, we played a quick game of "Find as many words as you can in the word: Watermelons".  After that, they all went to P.E. with Mr. C. until recess.

Following recess, we played some math games: The Greater Sum Game, and Sprouts (which my students had just learned yesterday). 

Then the Grade 2's went off with Mrs. J. and we did some drawings using triangles.  This was fun and reinforced the idea that you don't have to be a terrific drawer! 

After lunch, they had P.E. again!  This was the Grade 2/3 class's regular time so what could we do?!

Upon their return, my class finished up their mountain art, including drilling holes when necessary, and had Book Exchange.  The Gr.2's had some free time to read or draw.

All in all, it was a terrific day.