Good afternoon!
Today is the first day of Hanukkah for those of the Jewish faith, so we read a very short passage about what it is. Students also read about the meaning of Thanksgiving. Both of these passages are part of a reading comprehension and skills independent activity that students can do when they have a little extra time. The topic of each passage varies, and students don't need to do them in any particular order. They may choose the ones that interest them the most or are related to reading in Readwell. Each passage is followed by five comprehension questions. It's always fun to learn just a snippet about something new so I hope that the students will find these interesting.
During math, after drills, we reviewed yesterday's worksheet: Representing Numbers 5 Ways. Then students worked on solving a variety of equations but spelling out the answer in words. I gave them a cheat sheet for their numbers.
After lunch, students listened to another chapter from Island of the Blue Dolphins. Next, we worked with a map of British Columbia glued onto a piece of cardboard, identifying major rivers and mountain ranges within B.C. Students used modelling clay to exaggerate the rivers and to build up the mountain ranges. The following pictures show you some of their work.