Today seemed like a short one, with the students going to the Big House this afternoon for Culture with Ema and Isaiah.
While we waited to see if more students would show up, some put some finishing touches to their art pieces.These photos are updated pictures of our hallway gallery! Aren't they looking wonderful!!
Students worked on Readwell this morning; I was able to read with a couple of students one-on-one, which is always enjoyable.
After recess break, we dove into our usual Drills That Thrill for math, continuing with mixed addition and subtraction facts, and the follow-up line graph building.
Next, we worked on a variety of questions related to Representing Numbers 5 Different Ways. Tomorrow we will mark pages 2 and 3 of their package together.
I continued to read aloud Island of the Blue Dolphins while the kids finished up their lunch. This gives them some extra time to eat before our afternoon activities as well as a chance to hear a classic true story. Today, as mentioned, the students walked to the Big House for the afternoon.