Sunday, 31 January 2021

Friday, January 29, 2021


We started off with a MAZE practice - a three-minute reading comprehension activity. 

Students continued to work on the first four of their snow globes so that can introduce four new forms of figurative language next week.  We also explored some idioms related to body parts.  The kids knew some but others were new to them.  Examples:  sweet tooth, lend me a hand, pulling your leg,  I'm all ears. 

They are coming along!

Here are some examples:

In Math, we continue to practice telling time different ways, especially using the analog clock.  If it's fifteen minutes after two o'clock, you can also say that it's quarter past two.  We ended up drawing a clock on a piece of paper and folding it into a half and quarters; we also wrote numbers on it to practice counting by fives after the hour and to the hour. 

We also tried playing a "I have... who has....?" time-telling activity to reinforce our skills but aren't quite ready for it.  Please practice telling the time with your child.  If you have a digital clock at home, ask how to say the time using an analog clock.  This would be most helpful. 

In art, some students finished the background of their colour wheel umbrella art piece.  Some more outlining to tidy things up are still in order.  Overall, I am very pleased with the students' ability to mix their colours.  ...And they had fun doing it!