Tuesday 13 December 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Happy morning after... the Christmas Concert!  We didn't get to see much of the concert but I felt that our kids performed beautifully:)  Well done, ladies and loggers!  A special thanks to Mr. Redding who pulled it all together.  That's a huge job, especially given that he has two other elementary schools.

We started our morning with the fire lit in the fireplace and lovely traditional Christmas tunes playing softly in the background.
Today's summarizing practice was about "blends" - two words put together to form a new word: gleam + shimmer = glimmer; breakfast + lunch = brunch.  The kids came up with a few as well.

After sharing some summaries, the students learned about metaphors and did some practice sheets. Only three of the six pages were assigned for tomorrow (any three); the rest will be worked on tomorrow.  Students will be asked to create a winter-themed metaphor for their snow globe, as well.

After recess, Tina came in with our half-baked salmon.  The clay salmon have been dipped and fired in a kiln once; today the kids painted them with glaze.  Everyone was here today so they are headed for the kiln tomorrow.  We can hardly wait to see the results!  



After lunch, we headed for the gym (half gym) where we played a variety of tag games.  It is great seeing the kids all play so nicely together.

Then back to the classroom for a page of math (finding the unknowns), Agendas, book exchange, silent reading, and some even worked on their metaphor sheets or French booklets.

These French booklets are due tomorrow - presentations will begin!

Animal summaries need to be handed by Friday, please, so that I can mark them over the holidays!

Ms. Butler popped in to say that the alevins were hatching!! (She has an aquarium in the K/1 class, as well.) Aren't they cute?

Holiday Train tonight @ 6 pm.                
Plan Canada, Doctors Without Borders etc., due Thursday if contributing.